We use quantifiers when we want to give someone information about the number of something: how much or how many.
Sometimes we use a quantifier in the place of a determiner:
Most children start school at the age of five.
We ate some bread and butter.
We saw lots of birds.
We ate some bread and butter.
We saw lots of birds.
We use these quantifiers with both count and uncount nouns:
all | any | enough | less | a lot of | lots of |
more | most | no | none of | some |
and some more colloquial forms:
plenty of | heaps of | a load of | loads of | tons of | etc. |
Some quantifiers can be used only with count nouns:
both | each | either | (a) few | fewer | neither | several |
and some more colloquial forms:
a couple of | hundreds of | thousands of | etc. |
Some quantifiers can be used only with uncount nouns:
a little | (not) much | a bit of |
And, particularly with abstract nouns such as time, money, trouble, etc:, we often use:
a great deal of | a good deal of |
Try to write down phrases with these quantifiers.
Problems at school
Read the following paragraph and give advises to the person
Dear Coleen,
I’m a 12-year-old girl and I’m having a lot of problems at the moment.
My parents are going through a very messy divorce (it’s been almost a year and a half now), and I’m finding school tough, too.
I’m bullied verbally, physically and online by classmates. I’ve been choked, had my face squished against a cupboard using the back of a chair, and almost been knocked out.
Usually, it’s because I stand up to the bullies when they try to take lunch from myself and others. I try to prevent them and get hurt.
I’m regularly called ugly, spotty (I have bad acne) and have been sworn at.
I’ve become fascinated by ancient Japanese culture and I’m mocked for that, too. Usually I get, “Stop pretending to be Asian. You never will be”.
I’m mocked because my grades aren’t high compared to others in my class, and the only thing I excel at is creative writing.
I started writing a novel and foolishly told a friend I was hoping to publish it when I’m older, but a bully overheard me, and told all her friends.
The started saying, “You’re too stupid to get a book published. Who would want a book written by YOU?!” I’m also having problems with my weight and am regularly called “fat” at school. Please help me, my self-esteem is being destroyed.
Write down 5 school problems that you have experienced.
Bank reading
we use money would not work. Banks enable people to save money, borrow money and to pay for things with ease and security.
Each country in the world has its own well known banks that have branches in nearly every city so that they are convenient for people to use. People often have to visit the local branch of the bank when they want certain services. There are also some very big multinational banks that have branches in most countries in the world.
As well as the local branches that are in most cities, each bank will also have a head office. This is where all central tasks are performed that let the local braches function. The people that work in the branches will be the bank manager, the person in charge, and various tellers who work behind the bank counter and help the customers. There will also likely be security guards to protect the money, workers and customers.
Most customers will just need to see the tellers when they go to the bank if they are paying money into their account as either cash or a check. However, they might need to see the bank manager if they want to open an account or if they have become overdraw, when they have spent more money than there was in the account. Also if they want to borrow money and get a loan the person will need to see the bank manager who will have to approve it.
As well as being able to use cash or checks to pay for things, banks also offer their customers the more convenient methods of using either a debit card or credit card. These methods are very convenient as you just need to carry a small plastic card to be able to pay for anything. When paying with plastic you will need to either sign a receipt or enter a PIN number to conform the purchase and that you are authorized to use the card.
ESL Banking Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension questions that go with the above reading passage.
Can you summarize this story? remember to use the following expressions.
on the whole…, basically he/she is saying that…, in this text, the author argues that.
Irregular verbs
Watch this video and learn the irrgular verbs in rap.
What is an eating disorder?
Have you ever been in love? take a look of this song with present perfect. Write down the present pertec phrases.

Test Relative Pronouns
Choose the best answer.
1. This is the school I used to study.
2. This test is for students native language is not English.
3. The students lost his bag is waiting in the office.
4. The house they live needs repairing.
5. Children eat a lot of candy often get bad teeth.
6. The girl pen you borrowed neds it not.
7. Go and find the guests arrived here yesterday.

Create a work shop with the following phrasal verbs, look for their meanings in a good dictionary(word reference).
Get out, take off, put on, watch out, get up, get away, clean up, get ready, come down, break down, call back, figure out
FALSE FRIENDS are words that are similar in Spanish but they don't mean the same.

Life events:
Can you talk about those events in your life.

Study the following topic (future) and create some phrases about your life.
What extreme sports do you know?

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